Dengue fever Crack + Virus Outbreak in Children Latest 2023zz
Dengue fever Crack + Virus Outbreak in Children Download
Dengue fever Crack is With more than 70% of the world’s cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) occurring in Asia and the Pacific, the illness has become a major public health concern. A total of 312 patients hospitalised to the paediatric and sea port hospitals in Port Sudan in 2004–2005 received a clinical DHF diagnosis. The recorded mortality rate (n = 12) was 3.8%. Five to fifteen-year-old patients made up 73.4% of the cases. 49.4% of the patients admitted between May and June 2005 were from Port Sudan’s eastern zone, making up 91.2% of the total.
One of the most significant illnesses spread by mosquitoes worldwide is dengue virus infections. They could not show any symptoms or they might cause dengue fever, undifferentiated fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), or dengue shock syndrome.
Differential diagnosis:
Particularly in non-epidemic settings, dengue fever can often mistaken for other ailments. Other aetiologies, such as non-dengue flavivirus infections, should be ruled out based on the patient’s place of origin[11]. These include yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, Zika, and West Nile, alphaviruses (such as Sinbis and chikungunya), and other causes of fever like malaria, leptospirosis, typhoid, Rickettsial diseases (Rickettsia prowazeki, R. Mosseri, R. colour, R. rickettsia, Orientia (Arenaviridae: Junin, etc
Outbreak investigations:
Some individuals may show with fever, rash, or both during the acute disease stage during outbreaks. While yet others may be seen during the convalescent period, some individuals may have plasma leakage symptoms[12].
Finding the culprit in a suspected epidemic is a top priority so that the right public health measures can be implemented and doctors may be urged to start the right acute illness management[13]. Under such circumstances, test sensitivity is less significant than the speed and specificity of the diagnostic procedure. The size of epidemics can be assessed using serological assays[14].
Vaccine trials:
The microneutralization tests and the plaque reduction and neutralisation test (PRNT) are frequently used to evaluate protective correlates[15].
The test is based on the idea that neutralising antibodies render the virus inactive, making it impossible for it to infect and multiply in target cells.
High-titer neutralising antibodies are produced against at least two, and frequently all four, dengue viruses as well as against non-dengue flaviviruses following a second dengue virus infection[16]. The strongest neutralising antibody titer is frequently directed towards the initial infecting virus and not the most recent one during the early convalescent period following successive dengue infections[16].
Dengue is an ongoing problem in 112 nations worldwide. There is no vaccination available to prevent this illness. The epidemiology of dengue infections, the dengue virus and its mosquito vector, the clinical characteristics and pathophysiology of dengue infections, as well as their management and control, are all covered in this study.
According to Vishvanath Nene, a molecular scientist at the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Maryland, and the paper’s main author who presented the genome in the online version of Science, “the issue is that there is no vaccine” for dengue disease like there is for yellow fever. “Targeting the mosquito directly is the only effective technique of control.”
Across the world, tropical and subtropical climates are home to this mosquito-transmitted infection[1]. The clinical effects of dengue virus infection range from moderate, asymptomatic dengue fever to severe, hemorrhagic dengue fever and dengue shock syndrome, which can be fatal[2].
Epidemiology: Dengue is now among the most contagious illnesses in the world. In 1812, there was a dengue outbreak in India. A new dengue distribution model projected that 96 million cases out of 390 million dengue illnesses occurred per year.
For the first time in India, a double peak hemorrhagic fever outbreak struck Calcutta between July 1963 and March 1964. Therefore, surveillance must be urgently improved in order for authorities to be adequately ready for records of the outbreak[3].
It is an RNA virus with three structural polypeptides, two of which are glycosylated, and cytoplasmic replication[4]. The causing agents are four dengue viruses (types 1-4) belonging to the family Flaviviridae and genus Flavivirus[5]. India contains all four kinds. Dengue virions are tiny spheres containing a single-stranded, positively polarised RNA genome inside a lipoprotein nucleocapsid. The four serotypes have a lot of antigenic similarities, however humans lack cross-protection.
Efficient and accurate diagnosis of dengue is of primary importance for clinical care (i.e. early detection of severe cases, case confirmation, and differential diagnosis with other infectious diseases), surveillance activities, outbreak control, pathogenesis, academic research, vaccine development, and clinical trials[8].
The choice of diagnostic method depends on the purpose for which the testing is done (e.g. clinical diagnosis, epidemiological survey, vaccine development), the type of laboratory facilities and technical expertise available, costs, and the time of sample collection[9].
Many people especially children and teens feel no signs or symptoms during a mild case of dengue fever. When symptoms do occur, they usually begin 4 to 7 days after you are bitten by an infected mosquito[7].
Dengue fever causes a high fever of 104 F and these are the following symptoms:
- Headache
- Muscle, bone, and joint pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Pain behind the eyes
- Swollen glands
- Rash
Most people recover within a week. In some cases, symptoms worsen and can become life-threatening. Blood vessels often become damaged and leaky and the number of clot-forming cells (platelets) in your bloodstream drops. This can cause a severe form of dengue fever, called dengue hemorrhagic fever, severe dengue, or dengue shock syndrome.
Signs and symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever or severe dengue a life-threatening emergency include:
- Severe abdominal pain
- Persistent vomiting
- Bleeding from your gums or nose
- Blood in your urine, stools, or vomit
- Bleeding under the skin, which might look like bruising
- Difficult or rapid breathing
- Cold or clammy skin (shock)
- Fatigue
- Irritability or restlessness